How to Create Sessions

Collaboration in iSee occurs in 3D virtual environments. An organisation may have a large number of either unique and cloned 3D virtual environments which we call 'sessions'. Note that a 'session' may contain many 'zones' - or linked 3D spaces within the one 3D virtual environment.
It is possible in iSee to create separate sessions for each class, teacher or project group. It is also possible for a user to be given access to multiple iSee sessions. Hence an online school or school district may have an assembly session for which all students and staff have access, individual class sessions for day to day learning activities, as well as specialist sessions for teacher training, school projects and events such as open days and parent teacher meetings.
To create, delete or modify a session you must have Admin access for your organisation. These permissions are set by your organisations ICT team or iSee project manager by adding you to the Admins list for your organisation (see below).
Once you have been added to the Admin list for your organisation you can access the existing sessions list via the 'iSee System' -> 'Organisations' -> 'Organisations List' menu pathway. The 'Sessions' tab is the default when entering your organisation and provides a list of the sessions currently registered by the organisation.
The green indicator beside the session name indicates a session that is active and available for users in the iSee client. If this indicator is grey then the session is not currently available in the client because it is outside either then start/end dates access time. Note that an N/A in the daily access time list indicates a session that is available 24hrs. The indicator is also grey when the session 'Is Active' box is unticked in the session editor.
Clicking on the Edit button for a session opens the session editor and allows the Session Name, Start/End/Daily Access, Environment Map and Is Active fields for the session to be changed. clicking the 'Delete' button will delete the session along with and content settings for the session.
To add a new session click the '+ Add new record' button. This will open the session editor popup so that the new session can be created.
To create a new session all fields other than the Limited Access Time are required.
Make sure the name of your session is unique for your organisation.
Choose a 3D environment from those that are available to your organisation. iSee provides a number of freely available 3D maps but many organisations also choose to develop their own custom environments to support their iSee users. You can find the list of freely available 3D maps here along with some examples of custom environments.
'Is Active', 'Start Date', 'End Date' and 'Limited Access Times' are a group of settings to control the availability of the session in the iSee client. To be available the 'Is Active' box needs to be checked and start/end dates set to make the session active for the desired time period. If the 'Limited Access Time' is left blank the session will be available 24 hrs daily between the start and end dates. If the 'Limited Access Time' box is checked, additional fields will open to allow setting of the start and finish times in the desired time zone.
Clicking the orange 'Update' button will create the session.