Please read this important information before downloading the iSee client
iSee is an Australian technology which:
· Has been approved by the Department of Education for school and corporate use. It has been deployed to department and school owned devices and can be downloaded to BYOD or home devices.
· Utilises departmental authentication (sign in and identity management) and security processes
· Places a user’s live video-feed from a web-camera into a virtual school environment and allows users to interact with other approved users; and
· Allows a departmental staff or teacher to record the live session to a local drive for educational purposes. Recording will not be used for any other purpose. Recordings will not be disclosed without consent except as authorised or required by law.
Information privacy
Using iSee requires user personal information to be disclosed to iSee VC Pty Ltd and held within an approved server specifically for Department of Education Queensland.
iSee VC Pty Ltd is a private Australian company that stores the registration information in a secure Amazon Web Services datacentre in Sydney, Australia.
iSee Website Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy:
The information collected through departmental authentication and the subsequent use of is:
· User's Name,
· User's department email address
· User's department MISID
· User department role (Staff or Student)
This information is automatically transferred to iSee VC Pty Ltd for account creation purposes on first use of iSee.
iSee VC Pty Ltd does not centrally store participant video, audio or chat data during use of iSee on behalf of the Department of Education Queensland.
Data storage information by users.
Teachers and staff, in the use of iSee, may store screen recorded data on their local drive using iSee’s built in recording function Students do not have this function enabled within the default student role and it must be overwritten by the organisation administrator.
Teachers have access to chat messages which are automatically saved to their device for 1 month.
If data is recorded by teachers or staff, then this data must only be used in accordance with the Department of Education Queensland policies and procedures regarding the privacy and security.
The Department of Education's information and communication technology (ICT) network and facilities, including iSee version 1.78, are available for approved purposes.
When using the Department's ICT applications you must act at all times lawfully and in line with the rules that apply to you.
Unauthorised use including being disrespectful, a bully or harassing may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.