How to Create & Manage User Roles

Anyone entering an iSee session does so with an assigned role that defines their individual access to iSee 'Activities' in that session. Session roles are set when adding a user to a session.
iSee comes with a predefined set of 'Public' roles that covers common iSee use cases. You can see the Activities included in each of the Public roles in the table below.
You can find a description of each Activity in the table below.
To create a custom role for your organisation you must have Admin access to your organisation in the management portal. Choose the 'Admin' link at the bottom of the management portal homepage to access the Admin portal. Select 'Roles' -> 'Custom Session Roles' from the 'iSee System' drop down menu. This will open a table of your organisations existing custom session roles.
Click on '+ Add' at the bottom of the table to add a new custom session role. This opens a popup window where you can name the session role and add Activities by selecting the checkbox beside them.
Once you have added the Activities you want for the custom role, click the 'Submit' button to save the role and make it available for use in your organisation. The custom role will now be available for your organisation to assign to users when connecting them to a session. You can also change roles for users in existing sessions to the new role by editing their session or group records (see here).
To edit or delete a role once it has been created, click on the row for the role to select it and then click on the 'Edit' or 'Delete' at the bottom of the table.